It's been a very hectic day today, I could actually fall asleep right this moment.
So, back to the real reason why I have been a blog neglecting tired unorganised young lady. We have recently moved and after all the move and the excitement I was feeling quite exhausted. In fact, I don't think I have ever felt so tired in my life, falling asleep on the sofa which I NEVER do and I just had this 'I just don't have the energy to do a thing' feeling all the time. The move was pretty heavy going as was the shop so I put it down to overdoing it a bit. But, turns out, we are expecting baby number 4! Oh my goodness, what a wonderful, surprising, exciting and overwhelming piece of news it was! I really thought 3 children was where we were at but no, its actually 4. 4 children, mother of 4, that's quite a lot isn't it?
We had our 12 week scan today and saw the little bambino wriggling and fidgeting about, how amazing! We saw its hands! And it had a little pout! I absolutely cannot wait to meet our little being...
I have some gorgeous scan pics which I will put on here tomorrow but its too dark to get a good shot. But these are more pictures of how the house is coming along...