Remember the remember the 5th of September (according to my 15 year old - although he is not sure why we should need to remember this date)
Gunpowder, trees and glot. (as recited by my 5 year old)
This is my favourite time of year, I just love it. Halloween, Bonfire night and my birthday all on the run up to Christmas. Cosy evenings, leaves everywhere and the need to drink hot chocolate and eat marmite on toast for supper.
It has been a busy couple of weeks, we went to a Halloween party at my brothers house which was such fun, apple bobbing, sweets hidden in bowls of flour... trick or treating with Daisy and even though she is only 5, she knows that a cute outfit and a winning smile = lots of sweeties. The boys are finding trick or treating slightly harder now they lack the 'ahhh' factor, its quite hard to come across as cute when you are 15, smiling looks more sarcastic than sweet so they just ate Daisys sweets instead. Meanies. I love how much effort people go to at Halloween, dressing up and decorating their houses. Brilliant!
My birthday is on Friday and Nathan and I are going up to London for the day which will be great fun and then picking up my new car on the way home, my mum and I are going to the Country Living Christmas Fair on Thursday which is just shopping heaven. Highly dangerous.
I can't stop talking/thinking/planning Christmas Day, I know it feels early but in about 3 weeks we will be starting to put up our decorations! I can't believe it, and containing my excitement is getting quite hard. I seem to get all crafty when the evenings are dark so early and I just want to make stuff - I have cut out lots of pieces of fabric, lots, with all sorts of grand plans in mind so we shall see! I did make a rag garland last night which I actually started in 2004 - I really was a proud lass looking at the finished product and I think I shall make some more this afternoon, some Christmassy ones, or at least start them.